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How should you be presenting social media content to clients?

Planning, organising and presenting social media content to clients is easy… if you have the right tools to do it.

I’ve tried everything:

None of them could do all the things I required from them. A good social media manager knows that presenting social media content to clients is so much more than just sharing words and images. They are a tiny cog in a big content machine in the factory of their business.

presenting social media content to clients

Believe it or not, the way you present your work to your client is crucial to them respecting you as the content creator, and ultimately supports continued business from them. You just have to make things easy and consistent.

Why is presenting social media content to clients so important?

Ultimately, you should be presenting social media content to clients in a way that conveys how daily posts contribute to their big picture.

Your client, however great they are and however chill they seem, has to have their eye on the success of their business.

When hiring a social media or content manager, your client’s key worries are:

Which means you need to remedy those concerns by:

presenting social media content to clients table

Content planner must-haves

To impress your clients and make you and your team’s life easier, make sure you are using a really great content planner (also called a social media planner or editorial calendar).

The best ones will have:

The solution to presenting social media content to clients

presenting social media content to clients planner

After going self-employed and struggling to maintain a stress-free relationship with my social media clients on top of just getting the work done, I decided enough was enough with the printable freebies that couldn’t hold much, the overcomplicated softwares and staring at a blank Powerpoint slide every week, willing inspiration to strike as my deadlines approached.

I designed a content planner that had all those must-haves – the hours of researched key dates complete, audience mindset nudges, a layout that can hold everything from the tiniest seed of a creative idea to the big picture… EVERYTHING – and then doubled down on making that planner take care of all those bumps in the road I’d experience previously presenting social media content to clients.

"The surprising benefit of nailing how you present social media content to your client goes beyond keeping them happy and cash in your bank. It can go a long way to bringing . to your work, which in turn enhances your mental wellbeing."

An amazing thing for one well-made spreadsheet to be able to do, isn’t it?

Content planning needs a revolution

This is it.
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